
Sugar Free Eggnog

In a world of sugar free and keto products, you'd think you would find sugar free eggnog in grocery stores. Yet, I haven't ever seen it. You can get it lactose free, almond milk, coconut milk, even oat milk based. But they all contain a lot of sugar, and most often, it is high fructose… Continue reading Sugar Free Eggnog


War Cake

I had never had this recipe until I met my husband and his mother shared it with me. It was a Great Depression Era/WWII bread recipe. In their family they call it Aunt Hulda's Yum Yum Bread, and it's baked in bread pans. I was trying to make it sugar-free, because frankly, while it is… Continue reading War Cake

Preserving · Recipes

Canning Sugar-Free Cranberry Sauce

In fall we put up cranberry sauce, when the cranberries start coming in to the stores and are fresh, but also affordable. It only takes a few minutes more time to can it versus just making a large batch, and have it ready for the Holidays, and for spreading on sandwiches all year long. This… Continue reading Canning Sugar-Free Cranberry Sauce