Gardening · Homesteading

Starting Seeds In Pots

My go to method for starting seeds has changed over the years, which isn't shocking. A lot of gardening is learning what works and what doesn't. For me, I want my methods to work, and to be sustainable. In that the pots will last year after year and not crack. That alone changed most of… Continue reading Starting Seeds In Pots

Gardening · Homesteading

Easy To Grow Perennial Herbs

No matter where I have lived, I have always had herbs growing. Even in dismal cramped apartments I found ways to have life near me. It is what the hippies would have called Earth Grounding. That you can easily touch a living plant, and feel right with the world, inside or outside. Now then, I… Continue reading Easy To Grow Perennial Herbs

Gardening · Homesteading

February Garden Tasks & What Seeds To Plant

January slips by fast, and once you see February looming, you know it is time to start planning again. Overall, I don't plant much in January, my push is come February, but there are a few below that can be started this week (and through February), so I am writing this post a few days… Continue reading February Garden Tasks & What Seeds To Plant

Gardening · Homesteading

When To Plant Seeds For Grow Zone 8b

Our homestead sits in Freeland, Washington on the southern end of Whidbey Island. We are on the edge of the Olympic Mountain Rain Shadow, which equates to us receiving a lot less rain yearly than just 10 miles away, although we receive on an average about 120 days of recordable precipitation. We can be driving… Continue reading When To Plant Seeds For Grow Zone 8b

Gardening · Homesteading

Saving Seeds

Saving seeds can be one of the most important things you do on a homestead or farm. Not only are you preserving your favorite items you grow, but you reduce your costs the next year by not having to buy seeds. You can share plants that do well in a local area with other like… Continue reading Saving Seeds