Homesteading · Prepping · Preserving

Dehydrating Mushrooms

Overall I prefer freeze-dried ingredients for long-term storage over dehydrated, but there are a few things i far prefer dehydrated. Mushrooms are one of those things. The act of dehydrating changes the structure of the mushroom. Freeze-drying mushrooms leaves them intact and raw, but when you dehydrate them, the heat slowly cooks them. It removes… Continue reading Dehydrating Mushrooms

Preserving · Recipes

Chocolate Strawberry Spread/Sauce

My inspiration for this chocolate strawberry sauce was for a chocolate raspberry sauce I saw on Fresh Preserving's website. It contained a lot of sugar - over 6 cups of it. And while I love raspberries, my body reminds me seeds are not my friend. So I got thinking, and adapted the concept to using… Continue reading Chocolate Strawberry Spread/Sauce

Preserving · Recipes

Canning No Peeling Pasta Sauce

It's first week of September and I am picking tomatoes daily to process. With salsa prepped for the winter, it was time to move onto pasta sauce. I hate peeling tomatoes. It involves spending more time in the kitchen, and more time sweating. This is how to use all the tomatoes you grow: white, yellow,… Continue reading Canning No Peeling Pasta Sauce

Gardening · Homesteading · Preserving · Recipes

Corn Tomato Salsa

While we are growing corn this year on the homestead, we don't have a lot of it, so while out on the mainland I saw the annual signs along the highway for fresh corn. I wasn't the only one peeling off the highway for it. At 4 ears for $1 you stop! It was being… Continue reading Corn Tomato Salsa