Homesteading · Recipes

Water Bath Canning Crushed Tomatoes

When the end of summer hits hard, and all you see are piles of tomatoes staring back...a quick recipe to process them can be very useful, so you don't waste tomatoes. Especially this year as the droughts are leading to tomato shortages and rising prices. If all you do is process them into crushed tomatoes,… Continue reading Water Bath Canning Crushed Tomatoes

Homesteading · Prepping · Preserving

Dehydrating Mushrooms

Overall I prefer freeze-dried ingredients for long-term storage over dehydrated, but there are a few things i far prefer dehydrated. Mushrooms are one of those things. The act of dehydrating changes the structure of the mushroom. Freeze-drying mushrooms leaves them intact and raw, but when you dehydrate them, the heat slowly cooks them. It removes… Continue reading Dehydrating Mushrooms

Preserving · Recipes

Chocolate Strawberry Spread/Sauce

My inspiration for this chocolate strawberry sauce was for a chocolate raspberry sauce I saw on Fresh Preserving's website. It contained a lot of sugar - over 6 cups of it. And while I love raspberries, my body reminds me seeds are not my friend. So I got thinking, and adapted the concept to using… Continue reading Chocolate Strawberry Spread/Sauce

Preserving · Recipes

Canning No Peeling Pasta Sauce

It's first week of September and I am picking tomatoes daily to process. With salsa prepped for the winter, it was time to move onto pasta sauce. I hate peeling tomatoes. It involves spending more time in the kitchen, and more time sweating. This is how to use all the tomatoes you grow: white, yellow,… Continue reading Canning No Peeling Pasta Sauce