Prepping · Recipes

Prepping Meals: Jerky & Vegetable Noodle Bowl

This isn't an everyday meal - but it is great for prepping meals. Ramen is pretty low class. It’s also pretty nutritionally dismal. It is however comfort food that is easy to prep. When you use ramen, see it as the carb, and add in goodies to make it a worthy meal. This noodle bowl… Continue reading Prepping Meals: Jerky & Vegetable Noodle Bowl

Prepping · Recipes

Prepper’s Fried Rice

I make a lot of recipes for hiking meals and they work perfectly for stashing in the prepping pantry for easy meals. This can use fresh or dried eggs, making it long term storage. Prepper's Fried Rice Ingredients: 1 cup dried vegetables 1 tsp granulated garlic ½ tsp brown sugar ½ tsp ground ginger 1 cup… Continue reading Prepper’s Fried Rice

Backpacking · Homesteading · Prepping · Recipes

In Your Face Morning Mocha

You can have a long-term pantry full of dry products, but you also need to go through them on a steady rate, so you don't waste them. This is a key rule of prepping! But while it can be easy to buy vast quantities, knowing how to use them isn't so easy. This easy to… Continue reading In Your Face Morning Mocha

Backpacking · Prepping · Recipes

Outdoor Cooking Methods

A long time ago (OK, it was like the summer of 2002) I was getting heavily into backpacking. I was on the trail a lot then, often 3 days a week and out on trips 3 to 4 weekends a month. Like many hikers in that time period I knew of two choices: buying the… Continue reading Outdoor Cooking Methods

Backpacking · Prepping · Recipes

Taters Made Portable: 10 Recipes For Hiking & Prepping

Potatoes have gotten the short stick in the past few years in the healthy eating discussions, but there is something enduring about them for backpacking recipes and food prepping. The massive hit of potassium helps prevent painful nighttime cramps if you have exerted yourself during hot days. Which, when it happens in a tight sleeping… Continue reading Taters Made Portable: 10 Recipes For Hiking & Prepping