Gardening · Homesteading

A Seedling Became A Tree

One of the best parts of gardening is how it shifts over the years. I've done basic gardening, I've run an urban farm, built a homestead garden out of raw land, and I have grown a lot of plants. For both us and to sell, trade, and to give away. I used to grow hundreds… Continue reading A Seedling Became A Tree

Gardening · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

Sow Right Seeds Black Friday Sale

I have been watching all the good sales coming up this week for us homesteaders - and a sale on seeds is always a good one! I love Sow Right Seeds. They are fairly priced and grow well (yes, I am a customer!) November 21st to December 2nd Sow Right Seeds is having a sale… Continue reading Sow Right Seeds Black Friday Sale

Gardening · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

Updated USDA Growing Zones – Impacts on your homestead and garden

The USDA just released an updated Plant Hardiness Zone Map, or otherwise known as the growing zones for the United States, for 2023. For some areas of the United States there has been a shift in what zone you might be in now. And it is most likely warmer in winter. While where I live… Continue reading Updated USDA Growing Zones – Impacts on your homestead and garden

Bioengineered Foods · Gardening · Homesteading · Prepping

Polar Opposites: On Who Now Supports GMO’s And Cheap Food

It's 1991. I am a college freshman. I've moved to a new town. I am just trying to find who I will be those formative years. So basically like all the Gen Z kids now (of who I have 3 of them), who are approaching and into adulthood. We were 100% Gen X. We had… Continue reading Polar Opposites: On Who Now Supports GMO’s And Cheap Food

Gardening · Urban Homesteading

November Garden Tasks

Garden Tasks for Zones 7-8 In The PNW November is a hard month to be productive in the gardens for me. In zones 7 and 8 in the Pacific Northwest, it's getting dark and dreary many days of the week. It's hard to be productive that first week as the sun rises so late. The… Continue reading November Garden Tasks