Gardening · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

The New Kitchen Garden

Big news! We are moving soon—across the country. In my work on the new place, I found I couldn't pass up on at least starting an easy garden. My hands must be in the soil! So while doing work on the new place, I went shopping and got some soil, a few plants, and a… Continue reading The New Kitchen Garden

Gardening · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

Garlic Crop Planted

Getting focused in the fall to garden can be challenging, but knowing that your garlic is in the ground is worth it. Then you can walk inside for the year and forget about it, till next spring. I wrote about our garlic harvest back in the summer. I had a lot of garlic to harvest,… Continue reading Garlic Crop Planted

DIY · Gardening · Herbalism · Urban Homesteading · Wildcrafting

Preserving Chamomile For Tea

Last week, I popped into the food co-op closest to us and browsed the bulk-dried herbs and spices. As I walked by, I saw a jar of Chamomile and gasped—$29.99 a pound! The bulk bins are often sourced from Frontier Co-op, a very ethical and real cooperative. For example, you can buy their products in… Continue reading Preserving Chamomile For Tea

Gardening · Herbalism · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

How To Grow And Make Paprika

Paprika is a spice that isn't used enough these days. In the mid-century decades, it was the go-to garnishment for your meals. Deviled Eggs without a sprinkle of the orange-red delight? What kind of heathen are you? Of course, back in the 1930s to 70s, it was cutting edge to use paprika. Food wasn't quite… Continue reading How To Grow And Make Paprika

Gardening · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

Developing A Kitchen Garden

This summer, as I worked on the patios around our house, I decided I wanted a kitchen garden—one close to the house, where I'd be more likely to come out and enjoy it and grab produce for dinner. When we moved here in 2018, I had a small kitchen garden, all in large pots, on… Continue reading Developing A Kitchen Garden