Homesteading · Prepping

The Kitchen, The Dining Table and Why It Matters

A few years ago, just before the pandemic started, I sat on the board of a nonprofit that runs a local farmers market. It was usually pretty boring (which isn't a bad thing), approving things and helping develop plans. A group applied to have a "non-profit" table, which some we did approve. Usually they would… Continue reading The Kitchen, The Dining Table and Why It Matters

Gardening · Homesteading · Prepping · Urban Homesteading

Teach Them To Grow Food: But Then They Don’t

Thoughts from the prepper/self-sufficient corner of my mind. When I look back at the year that has passed by, one thing that really saddens me was the time I spent in trying to get others to be better prepared. I had good intentions for sure, and I had many hopes about it. Last year at… Continue reading Teach Them To Grow Food: But Then They Don’t


Prepper Viewpoint: The Power Outage Kitchen

A few weeks back Western Washington State had the first big windstorm of the fall season. And you'd think that these never happen - most people seem to have no memory of how it happens every single year, in October or November. As with every year, all the dead or damaged trees came crashing down… Continue reading Prepper Viewpoint: The Power Outage Kitchen

Freeze Drying · Prepping · Preserving · Recipes

Freeze-Drying versus Dehydrating: Frozen Peas and Corn

We have been running comparisons with Freeze-Drying versus Dehydrating with various ingredients, to see what the outcome is. This has meant that we are running both our Harvest Right freeze-dryer and our dehydrator running nearly non-stop of late. We have the large size Harvest Right freeze-dryer for reference. This post is on drying frozen petite peas and sweet corn. Both are blanched,… Continue reading Freeze-Drying versus Dehydrating: Frozen Peas and Corn

Freeze Drying · Prepping · Preserving · Recipes

Freeze-Drying versus Dehydrating: Egg Noodles

We have been running comparisons with Freeze-Drying versus Dehydrating with various ingredients, to see what the outcome is. This has meant that we are running both our Harvest Right freeze-dryer and our dehydrator running nearly non-stop of late. One of the things you cannot buy easily (even online) is “instant pasta” – outside of using ramen noodles and small couscous. Neither of these… Continue reading Freeze-Drying versus Dehydrating: Egg Noodles