Freeze Drying · Prepping · Preserving · Recipes

Freeze-Drying Eggs

During the pandemic years, freeze-dried and dehydrated eggs were hard to source. People were stocking up, especially at the tail end, when Avian Flu forced many commercial growers to kill their hens. This led to very high prices. At one point, Augason Farms was over $100 a can on Amazon. The price for Augason Farms… Continue reading Freeze-Drying Eggs

Homesteading · Prepping · Preserving · Recipes

Freeze-Drying Onions

We grew a lot of onions on our homestead this past year. We specialize in “Whidbey Sweets,” as we call our Walla Walla Onions. They don’t grow as big here on the island as they do in their namesake of Walla Walla, WA, but it’s also a lot cooler here than in blazing-hot Eastern Washington.… Continue reading Freeze-Drying Onions

Prepping · Recipes

Mason Jar Meals In A Jar: Homemade Cup Noodles

There is something about Cup Noodles/instant noodles that is incredibly bad for you: extra salty ramen with the tiniest sprinkle of dried vegetables and possibly meat. Maybe a couple of the tiniest shrimps. Packed in styrofoam, plastic, and paper. But they are the worst comfort food, just calling to the tummy. When I am sick,… Continue reading Mason Jar Meals In A Jar: Homemade Cup Noodles

Freeze Drying · Prepping · Preserving · Recipes

Freeze Drying Handcrafted Large Batch Beef Pasta Sauce

Harvest Right is running a sale on their freeze-dryers through February 15th, 2024. If you have been thinking about getting a freeze-dryer, this is the time - prices are up to $500 off. We had found a great sale on the large cans of tomatoes on Amazon. Then the order showed up and nearly every… Continue reading Freeze Drying Handcrafted Large Batch Beef Pasta Sauce

Homesteading · Prepping · Recipes · Urban Homesteading

Chicken Noodle Skillet – Meals in a Jar – Easy Dinners

A well-stocked pantry makes packing up meals in a jar in a snap. Whether you pack the meals for dinner on a busy day, keep them for emergency use in a power outage, or when you can't leave home and don't have fresh groceries on hand to cook with. This dish has a pleasantly cheesy… Continue reading Chicken Noodle Skillet – Meals in a Jar – Easy Dinners