Crafting · DIY · Essential Oils · Herbalism · Recipes · Soap Making

Holiday Gift Making: Cedar and Rosemary Soap

Handcrafted gifts can be a fun way to show your love to family and friends - and you can use a few cheats to make it simple and easy. Cedar and Rosemary Soap has a deep woodsy scent, that works for both men and women. If you dislike floral, this is the one for you.… Continue reading Holiday Gift Making: Cedar and Rosemary Soap

Crafting · crafts · Homeschooling

Woolpets Needle Felting Kit Review

A few years back I picked up needle felting as a hobby, and the boys had been bugging me for a year to teach them. I decided they were old enough to not put the needles into their hands/fingers on accident, so we had fun learning how to do a Woolpets kit together. I had… Continue reading Woolpets Needle Felting Kit Review

Crafting · crafts · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

Celebrating The Winter Solstice

This year, in 2017, the Winter Solstice will happen December 21st, a Thursday, at 8:28 am in the Northern Hemisphere. The Solstice has always been a comfort to me, even as a child. I was raised in a cult, and we were forbidden from celebrating Christmas, so as a child, without knowing what the Solstice… Continue reading Celebrating The Winter Solstice

Crafting · Essential Oils · Homesteading

Spiced Hair Oil

If you are a brunette naturally, this hair oil recipe will saturate dried out winter hair. Rosemary is a natural booster for dark hair. Spiced Hair Oil Ingredients: 3 Tbsp olive or fractionated coconut oil 1 tsp dried rosemary 1 tsp ground nutmeg Directions: Add ingredients to a small glass bottle, seal tightly and shake… Continue reading Spiced Hair Oil

Crafting · crafts · DIY · Homesteading

Handmade With Love Super Bundle

I love the Super Bundles brought out by Ultimate Bundles, and the newest one released today, Handmade With Love, is amazing. If you love to craft, sew, knit or have wanted to learn, this is the one for you! As soon as it went live I picked up my copy, which I am happily going… Continue reading Handmade With Love Super Bundle