Bioengineered Foods · Clean Living · MAHA

The Insanity Of Those Opposing Make America Healthy Again

Social media is interesting, especially when what you see is pushed onto you. Like many people, I have double accounts on Facebook and Instagram (keeping my personal separate from my business side). What the companies push can be the opposite. On my Trail Cooking Instagram account, I only post business photos – hiking, the outdoors, foraging, trail food and such. With little to go on, I am often shown similar content. Normal, you might think..but on my personal Instagram, I post many things, such as cooking, and my thoughts on food safety, food companies, and the Make America Healthy Again movement. I am politically independent, and I live somewhere in the libertarian/leave-me-alone party. As long as no one is harmed, I don’t care what others do. Yes, I am passionate about my beliefs and hope to inspire others, but I also can ignore those who harm themselves and don’t wish to change.

So the thing is…why is Instagram spending its time showing me nothing but reels by people screaming about how happy they are not having kids and how being overweight is positive? Anti-marriage reels. Pro-government reels. Reels on angry women screeching about how horrible “trad wives” are. Reels on how anything they don’t like is sexist and racist.

And I kid you not….this reel confirmed it:

They are “witchy” but believe in science. I’m sorry, but you can’t be a garden witch, a forest witch, or a white witch and be a suckup to the science movement. The two cannot coexist.

And she is pro-parabens. Yikes! And what an odd thing to be pro about, considering the EU and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have both ruled on the use of, dating back almost 10 years ago for the EU.

They are scientifically proven to be bad for us (parabens in both body products and food eaten give a longer shelf life but come with real side effects).

I thought this was an odd item to be proud of, so I took screenshots of this reel. If you fancy yourself witchy, you can make handcrafted body products from safe, natural ingredients that are sustainably grown and harvested. As someone who has both created recipes for the “crunchy” set and sold many natural body products, I find it horrifying anyone would want to be parabens on their body, much less eat them.

Ah, there it is…. Are you getting sucked into the “wellness to white supremacy pipeline“?

I wish this were a joke, someone trolling. But it isn’t. Even a casual search brings up so much, from people who want to be influencers to magazines like The Atlantic, claiming that if you care about being healthier, losing weight, being self-sufficient, gardening, homesteading, homeschooling, herbalism – you are secretly a white supremacist.

What it feels like is a massive psyop where the US is being led to believe that being inclusive of everything, including really bad habits/ways of living, makes you a good person. That we SHOULD be overweight, even grossly obese, where our bodies are failing us. We should use chemicals banned in other nations, buy processed foods, and support international fast food chains. It’s just an app away for many North Americans to have a meal delivered that is high in sodium, seed oils, and cheap carbs. Add in an HFCS pop with it, and dinner will be served.

But if you dare to question the narrative…you are a closet white supremacist.

And my readers…..

We live in a clown world. The grass is blue, and the sky is green.

Keep doing what you know is best: Be an outlier to society.
