Gardening · Homesteading · Urban Homesteading

As Summer Slips Into Fall

Most years, I feel sad as we slip into September and see the harvest nearing its end. But this year, I am OK with it. I am 12 weeks post-injury on my arm and feeling glad I don’t have to water anymore for the season. With school back in, my helpers haven’t been helping the past two weeks. Normally, I wouldn’t miss them that much during the school season, but finishing work has been challenging without them there to assist me.

So I bought myself a new sweater for the cooler temperatures. That made me happy.

I wandered through the orchard this past week, when the sun came back out.

The Honeycrisp Apple Tree has grown a lot in the past 2 years, and this year put its first apples on. They are hand-sized.

This year, while sucky for some items, our orchard is growing apples well in general. The figs did well also, but the early rain wrecked them. The chickens happily ate them, so in the end, they were not wasted.

The native Evergreen Huckleberries are in season. The crop on our land is huge this year. The wild animals are eating well.

This one was very frustrating for me. I had bought this grape on a whim and planted it in the ground, in the orchard area. We have many grape plants growing in the ground in the berry bed next to it. Yet, in the orchard, I had a rabbit that kept squeezing in (when it was young) that nearly destroyed the plant. I dug it up and planted it in a medium pot with nothing but a prayer and hopes. It returned with a few leaves in the past month or so. I will need to baby it till next year, but I feel it survived, and I didn’t lose $13.

I put it in the upper greenhouse by the house today, getting ready for fall.

I saw this sign the other day. Maybe I need it. Hahahaha.
