Gardening · Homesteading

Welcome Spring!

Welcome to Spring 2024!

This last week was pleasantly warm and dry, and everything has started to bloom. It’s getting so pretty.

We passed 12 hours of daylight this week, which makes it Spring here in the PNW. Plants, animals, and humans react to the growing light and waken.

I know for me, it has gotten me outside. Excited finally to start growing things.

Plant all the strawberries!

Watching the Peach tree starting to open.


The hens are feeling Spring as well.

You know it’s real Spring when you even have to mow that first time.

The first of many plants that come out of the greenhouse, to live outside.

So many starts I have had in the greenhouse for many weeks this Winter.

In a few more weeks, I will plant them in the ground. But for now, they have made room so I can plant even more seeds in the greenhouse.
