
Cast Iron Mini Loaves of Bread

The boys and I made these mini loaves of bread quickly the other day, and the bread disappeared just as quickly. We made 2 loaves so they could each have one. My oven can fit 2 cast iron pans that I have across one shelf.

It’s a simple recipe, with not a lot of hands on time. It’s got a great chewy crust and a soft interior.

Cast Iron Mini Loaves of Bread


  • ½ cup warm water (110 -120)
  • ¾ tsp dry active yeast
  • 142 grams all-purpose flour
  • ½ tsp fine sea salt
  • Pinch of granulated sugar


In a medium mixing bowl add the water and the yeast.

Meanwhile, whisk the flour, salt and sugar in a small bowl

Add the dry to the water, stir well for about 2 minutes.

Sprinkle a bit of extra flour on a work surface, knock the dough out. Knead it till the dough is smooth.

Lightly oil a bowl, place dough ball in it, flip over to coat. Cover with plastic wrap, let sit for 1 to 2 hours, to rise double.

In colder homes, use a heating pad set on medium.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Sprinkle flour on your workspace again, knock the dough out. Fold the dough over a few times, like you are making an envelope. Shape the dough into a ball. Place onto the parchment paper. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise for 40 minutes.

While it rises again, preheat oven to 425°. During the last 15 minutes, place a cast iron pan, that has a lid, in the oven to preheat. Be warned, it will be very hot and potentially smoking. Have your fan on.

Pull out the pan, place the bread with the parchment paper in it.

If you wish, cut a slit across the top with a razor blade, and exacto knife or a sharp knife.

Cover with the lid, bake for 25 minutes.

Take off the lid, bake for another 10 minutes. The bread should be nicely browned and smell good.

Remove from the oven, transfer bread to a cooling rack.
