Gardening · Homesteading

March On The Farm

Lets just say it up front. March sucked and was a trying month. I kept positive thoughts though, and the spring weather made it a lot easier on my mental health as the month wound down.

One area I had battled was wether or not to do production for the farmers market in spring. I felt so lost at the first of the month, but I slept on it a lot, a lot really, and my answer was that I have to keep working, and to grow plants for other people. Will we have a farmers market? I don’t know.

I found out that with enough hunger deer and rabbits will attack sage plants here. I have lived with heavy deer/rabbits before and not had this happen.

The rhubarb started poking up as March started.

Fresh shelves growing on a downed log in the forest, with an older but dead one, from when the tree was still upright. Pretty cool how they do that. They are decomposers.

We got into a section of the forest where I found we have Bitter Cherry trees growing.

Walker learning how to run a Janga Seeder in the big field.

We worked on removal of more dead trees. This Douglas Fir was fascinating as it had been eaten to the edges by insects.

The garlic bed is humming along.

Hardy peach tree in bloom.

We built a chicken coop. Our future chickens are growing in their eggs currently by our egg lady.

The rhubarb is coming up.

Rockwell Beans, a bean that is native to our island.

First spring blooms on alpine strawberry, in the greenhouse.

One huge bummer from winter? Finding out rodents tunneled under a number of strawberry plants, destroying the root systems. Alpine strawberry plants have big root systems, unlike commercial strawberry plants. We have been locking Pepper, who is a Manchester Terrier into the bed, in an attempt to have them eradicated.

Radishes in the greenhouse, doing a trial mid-month.

And a new project: 12 ducklings came home. A lot more on that in April’s round-up!
