I have come to realize the longer I am at this, the more aware of yearly weather changes – and patterns – and how they affect our farming the gardens. This year has been “special”, and June was frustrating in many ways. It went from cold and wet (as it had been all year) to blazing hot, then back to cold, then hot. No middle of the road. Is it too much to hope for say 72° and sunny every day? Not 62° for a week, then 90°, and back. I feel whiny. It was so bad we backed out of the local farmers market this year. We were not ready by any means, due to the weather. But it has been OK, and I call it part of the learning curve.
However….it has caught up and the beds are producing. We had some losses (we lost most of our onions) though. But again…learning curve.
Chamomile loves the cool weather and has produced tons. I have dried much of it for the cold months.
The blueberries however pressed on and oddly are on time this year (usually we are able to harvest the first ones around the 4th of July – and we did this week).
Spanish Lavender in bloom.
The pea crop was very behind, but we did get a late bounty…in June!
While we wait for our walk behind tractor to come (which will bring huge changes to our farm), I eeked out some late season beds. The growth since this photo has been huge.
First of the White Soul Strawberries.
I harvested a Lupine start for a friend’s daughter.
Some of the “field” tomatoes early in the month.
Garlic Scapes mid-month.
Potato flowers.
Late June harvest.
Finally sun. And the June Bearing Strawberries came on strong.
And the first harvest of Lavender.
I got a lot of work done, and we had our week in Canada attending the urban farming class. Change is coming for us, and I am very excited. Soon it will look different, and be heavily producing. Next month will be quite the photos of what has grown – and been harvested.
Really enjoyed your post and the photos are awesome